Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Bad Day At Work

Guess I should tell you about the worst day in our lives here at the stores. About 2 months ago we had a horrible car wreck on the highway right in front of the store. The SUV flipped several times after leaving the road a very high rate of speed. The woman in the vehicle was thrown out after several flips. We were running across the highway to the scene before the truck stopped flipping. Sloan took over. She was telling us all what we needed to be doing. She was with this lady applying pressure to some areas that needed some attention. I'm pretty sure the victim was so far out of it she didn't hear a thing that was going on but Sloan talked to her and did everything to comfort this woman until the pros arrived. They did arrive very quick and were able to stabilize the woman and got her on Life Flight.

Last we heard the woman will be okay some day, still has a lot of operations and therepy in front of her but will be okay some day.

After everything had slowed down a little I remember asking Sloan if she had ever been around anything like that, she said "never". She said she was just doing what needed to be done. She did a great job, so glad she's my neighbor. I think she had a lot to do with saving that womans life.

Sloan my HERO

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1 comment:

silken said...

everyday heroes....pretty good neighbors to have!